Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details

Dr. Konstantina Liwieratos
Greek / German
Birth Date
September 5th, 1971
Mailing Address
28-30 Megalou Vasileiou Str., 11854 Athens, Greece
T.: +30.6944.859587
University Education
University College London, United Kingdom Ph.D. (and MPhil 2003) in Management of Cultural Heritage within Tourism Development.
Kapodistrian State University of Athens, Greece BA in Archaeology and History of Art
La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Erasmus-Socrates Scholarship
Kapodistrian State University of Athens, Greece BA in Greek and German Philology
Other Post-Secondary Education
National College for Authorised Tourist Guides, Athens Diploma and License to guide, after completing full-time study program in Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and European art, history, archaeology and ethnology.
Language Skills
Rating: 1 (poor) – 5 (excellent)
Speech | Comprehension | Writing | Reading | |
Greek | native | native | 5 | 5 |
German | native | native | 5 | 5 |
English | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Italian | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 |
French | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 |
Spanish | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Serbian-Croat | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Additional Information
Background: Raised in Greece and in Germany. Spent lengthy periods of time studying in Italy and the UK. Traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, Central America and Africa as researcher, tour operator and privately.
Computer skills: Confident use of the Internet and a number of Microsoft Office applications, including Word for Windows, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Trained at UCL in use of GIS program for archaeological and topographical purposes.
Societies: Member of the European Archaeological Association and of the German-Greek Society Philadelphia of Athens.
Work Experience
1992 to date
Tourist Guide – Lecturer
Sole responsibility of highly specialized archaeological/historical/cultural tours throughout Greece and all Balkan countries (including Albania), of an average duration of 15 days each. Within the wider framework of Studiosus policy to promote culturally and environmentally sensitive tourism, main duties include: 1. Leading ‘special interest’ travel groups to archaeological sites, monuments and museums, offering general guidance, making presentations and conducting in-situ seminars. 2. Undertaking all logistical arrangements for each journey. 3. Monitoring the design of tour programs with the aim of making suggestions for continuing improvement.
1992 to date
Guiding and Organizational Work for Congresses, Incentives and Companies (Lufthansa, Allianz, Bayer, Novartis etc).
1992 to date
Guided Tours for Private Guests in Athens and Greece as well as for Thematic Tours throughout Greece and the Balkans.
1994 – 1995 and 2008 to date
Tour Planning Expert
1994 and 1995 for a period based at the Head Office in Munich, responsible for the re-design and organization of all tours conducted in Greece. Drafted the section on Greece in the 1996 catalog of Studios. From 2008 onwards consultant and planning expert for all tours in Greece and Albania.
2021 to date
Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism Development Consultant
TPA Inc.
Participation in the team responsible for designing an Architectural Concept Competition proposal for the park/museum “Odysseus: Greeks and the sea” (Faliron, Athens Riviera). The proposal won the competition and now is in the realisation phase.
Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism Development Consultant
Participation in the support team of INSETE (research institute) for monitoring the design and evaluation of Action Plans for Greek tourism. Action Plans consist of the development of 36 destinations in all regions of the country related to the main and supplementary products of Greek tourism.
Additionally: |
Participation in the excavation of Salamina’s Mycenaean period site as an archaeologist and Coordinator of the laboratory under supervision of Prof. Jannos Lolos.
Consultant and Author
Research on the history of the Greek community in Venice (14th-20th centuries) and script for a CDRom on this issue.
Co-organizer and Consultant
Construction of the schedule of a one-day seminar on heritage management issues and partially teaching it.
Supervisor and Consultant
Construction of the schedule of 400-hour seminars aiming a. to train graduates and national guides further in specialized archaeological guiding knowledge and abilities and b. to train archaeologists further on cultural heritage management issues.
‘Review of the Armenian Church Architecture’, Eptakiklos 18-19, June-September 2001, Athens, Greece (in print).
‘Does archaeology have a meaning if it does not benefit society?’ Considering the public in Heritage Management, Paper for the 8th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 24-29 September 2002 in Thessaloniki, Greece.
‘Mani: a unique historical landscape in the periphery of Europe’, Paper for the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, 21-23 February 2003 in London, UK.
‘Cultural heritage and the public’, Paper for the International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 2-5 July 2003 in Rhodes, Greece
‘Introducing the competitive advantage theory/strategy in heritage management’, Public Archaeology vol. 3,4, 2004, pp 227-239, London, UK.
‘Πολιτιστικός Τουρισμός: Ποια πρέπει να είναι η στρατηγική ανταγωνιστικού πλεονεκτήματος;’ (Cultural Tourism: What must be the strategy of competitive advantage?), Epilogi 436, 2006, pp 30-31, Athens, Greece.
‘Ερρίκος Σλήμαν, Ελληνικά ταξίδια’ (Heinrich Schliemann, Griechische Fahrten), translation, Akamas 1, 2007, pp 13-17, Athens, Greece.
‘Aνταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα η πολιτιστική κληρονομιά’ (Cultural Heritage: the competitive advantage), MBA 14, 2008, pp 4-5, Athens, Greece.
‘Πολιτιστική κληρονομιά: τη χρησιμοποιούμε ή τη χάνουμε’ (Cultural Heritage: use it or lose it), MBA 14, 2008, pp 6, Athens, Greece.
Competitive Advantage Strategy in Cultural Heritage Management: A case-study of the Mani area in the southern Peloponnese, Greece, BAR Archaeopress International Series, 2009, Oxford, UK.
Congresses and Seminars
Participation in the International Congress on: ‘Archaeology and Heinrich Schliemann. A century after his death’, 14-22 April 1990, Athens, Greece.
Participation in the Congress on: ‘La communita cristiana a Roma: la sua vita e la sua cultura dalle origini all’ alto Medioevo’, 12-14 November 1998 in Rome, Italy.
Participation in the Congress on: ‘La communita cristiana a Roma: la sua vita e la sua cultura dall’ eta ottoniana agli inizi dell’ eta moderna’, 15-17 April 1999 in Rome, Italy.
Participation with paper in the 8th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, 24-29 September 2002 in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Participation in the 5th Cambridge Heritage Seminar on: ‘Making the means transparent: exploring research Methodologies in Heritage Studies’, 16 November 2002 in Cambridge, UK.
Participation with paper in the Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, 21-23 February 2003 in London, UK.
Participation with paper in the International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, 2-5 July 2003 in Rhodes, Greece.
Organization of and participation in the seminar: ‘Introduction to the notion of cultural heritage management’, 13 November 2004 in Athens, Greece.
Organization of and participation in the seminar: ‘What is cultural heritage management about? An Introduction’, 18 March 2006 in Athens, Greece.
Participation in the Conference “La creazione del valore nei processi gestionali dei musei”, 7 February 2008 in Milan, Italy (Universita Bocconi).
Analysis of the PhD research project
The research explored the possibility of using management theories and strategies in heritage management, more specifically the implementation of the competitive advantage strategy within cultural heritage management. Part of the thesis investigated the utility of the value chain within heritage management and the importance of values and participatory methods in the construction and implementation of a management plan. The prime aim of the above is the balance between tourism development and sustainable conservation of the monuments, places, museums and historic landscapes. Mani in Southern Greece was chosen as the case study for the implementation of the proposed theories. To this end, a survey of Mani’s extensive heritage from all periods of prehistory and history has been conducted. This PhD thesis considers Mani as a cultural and archaeological entity, where monuments and remains are seen as part of the historic landscape.